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These are solely designed to safeguard the welfare and privileges of students and those of the fellow students and are liable to change without notice from time to time. The students are advised to keep themselves informed about the day-to-day instructions given to them.

  • As one of the members of the institute community, the students are expected to behave themselves with integrity, courtesy, and responsibility inside and outside the campus. No student shall participate in acts tending bad name to the institute or impede its working either from within or from outside the Institute.
  • Students are instructed to wear neat & clean uniform and their ID cards when they are inside the Institute campus. Non-compliance may lead to imposition of fine.
  • Ragging in any form is prohibited. Stringent action will be taken against defaulters.
  • Smoking and use of alcoholic drinks or narcotics by students are strictly prohibited within the Institute campus.
  • Any damage to the property of the Institute is a serious offence. Writing on walls, doors and furniture is also a punishable offence. Offenders will have to pay for the damage created by them and fine.
  • The Institute expects each student to be responsible for maintaining silence in the library and for careful use of books and journals without tearing or marking them.
  • Students should not loiter, talk loudly, or congregate in the institute premises.
  • Students should not entertain their friends from other Institute campus without the prior permission and counter signature of their respective Head of the Department.
  • Students shall not put up any notice in the Institutes campus without the prior permission and counter signature of their respective Head of the Department.
  • Each student is expected to be responsible for maintaining discipline inside the classroom, in the Institute campus and during the Institute programs.
  • Instruments, tools, furniture and other apparatus/equipment of laboratories/workshops/class-rooms must be left in good order after use.
  • The Institute expects each student to be responsible for maintaining the beauty and cleanliness of the campus.
  • The Institute expects each student to be responsible for the safety of all his/her personal items including money and jewels. Also, students shall observe all safety precautions.
  • No Institute society shall be formed without the permission of the Principal.
  • Any student whose conduct is considered to be detrimental to the best interests of the Institute is liable for disciplinary action.
  • Students are expected to behave with decorum and to pay due respects to their faculty and other staff members.
Incharge Alumni:- Sh. Pawan Kumar Garg, 9416515080 Training & Placement officer:- Sh. Rajan Sarin, 8199012340
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